Bulletin For Technology And History


The Bulletin For Technology And History is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of  Engineering & Technology and History of Sciences. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.

The published papers are made highly visible to the scientific community through a wide indexing policy adopted by this online international journal. Hence, they can freely be accessed and utilized by everyone for the development of science and technology. Being a part of an eco-friendly community, BTH favors and promotes e-publication of papers to truly present itself as an online “Scopus Indexed”.’ submit your papers today!

Journal Metrics
Acceptance Rate 90%
Indexing 100%
Plagiarism below 20%

Benefits to publish your paper in BTH Journal

*lowest publication fee to promote the research work

*Best Global Knowledge Sharing Platform

*Fast Journal Indexing(Scopus, google scholar, research gate..etc)

*Certificates To All Authors

*Easy & Rapid paper publishing process.

Submit your Manuscript to: editorbthjournal@gmail.com
